Team Unify Registration
Dear Parent / Guardian / Swimmer
Team Unify registration IS NOW OPEN!!!!!!!!!!
At the end of last season the decision was made by the Committee that we would enrol with Team Unify – please see minutes of the meetings which can be found on the current Soundwell Swimming Club Website. This would ensure that we would be able to streamline and better manage our;
· Registration processes
· Squad fee/ASA fee/Camp fee collections
· Competition entries and fees
Whilst there is a small cost involved, as Soundwell Swimming Club is run by volunteers using Team Unify will ensure that our valuable volunteers will time will be better spent as there will be just one place where we can;
· Check payments have been made for squad fees / camps / meet entries etc
· Easily contact people to request / chase payments
· Easily contact people to provide club updates and important information
· Run our open meets
· Manage competition entries
· Store and access emergency contact details
· And much much more to come!
Registration to Team Unify is mandatory for all swimmers at Soundwell Swimming club!
Please click on the link below and register your swimmer now!!! The link takes you to an alternative Soundwell Swimming Club website.
To register please click on the Register tab on the left hand side. To clarify, if you are a parent registering a swimmer under 18, you will be the account holder and the swimmer will be the member. If you are a swimmer who is 18 or over you will be the account holder but you will also need to be a member as well. There are two groups, Learn to Swim and All Squads, you need to select all squads as registration is only currently open for squad swimmers at this stage.
Please note, that bank details are not yet required, but they will be! Once the system requires bank details to be registered further notices will be sent out. This should all be in place for October’s (new) squad fee collection, and the annual fee collection.
Please also note that the payments will be changing from Standing Order to Direct Debit. You will receive invoices each month ahead of the payment collection. You may, therefore, wish to cancel your Standing Order for the monthly fees, in the understanding that should any errors occur with the direct debit collection in October which result in the squad fee payment or annual club fee payment not being collected, that you will still ensure that the squad fee is paid for October by other means. Equally, Soundwell Swimming club will refund any duplicate squad fee or annual club fee payments should this occur.
As this is a new system and we are in the early stages of setting this up, please please bear with us. Whilst there is every intention that this will all be ready to go smoothly, should any errors occur your patience and understanding would be very much appreciated.
Once registered the swimmer will be allocated to the correct squad within the group and an email will be sent confirming this.
If you have any queries regarding this please email
Many thanks
Theresa O’Donnell
Soundwell Swimming Club Secretary